PRIVATE Coaching
BE IN YOUR MOMENT: thoughtful, calm, energized, capable, balanced
We all experience moments when we feel in sync and “on top of the world,” when we enjoy projects and interactions with family, friends and colleagues.
Certain events and interactions, though, can disrupt those feelings.
The techniques you master through this training will help you get back on track faster. No one will even know you’re using them!
Where do I begin?
Next Level Training
The place to start! This 12 session on-line program is chock full of engaging, time efficient content.
In this program you will:
1) Take a Standardized Stress and Well-Being Assessment prior to training
2) Create YOUR plan to place you on a path for an EPIC! life
3) In 4 private sessions, learn and practice basic techniques
4) In an additional 6 sessions imbed skills to infuse your practice with life-long skills and bountiful support
5) Receive a Monitor and App to track progress in real time and learn advanced techniques for using this tool as your support coach
6) Take the Standardized Stress and Well-Being Assessment again after session 11 to quantify your improvements and meet in session 12 for a debrief and to discuss next steps
I'm Curious About How this Works -
Take this opportunity to connect and learn more about how this approach is custom designed for you to create the life you've envisioned.
Meet virtually for a 60 minute complimentary session to learn about this coaching approach and what it offers to you
Life's ups and downs are inevitable. Following the 12 week program, use this private coaching to boost your practice and reconnect back to your toolbox as needed.
Refresh and Connect.
Maybe you're grieving the loss of a loved one, possibly you have a new job and vastly increased stressors, are leading a new Team that's driving you crazy, decided to train for a marathon, or you want to improve your sleep further - whatever is challenging your life balance - it's time for some private coaching!
Complete a complimentary survey to identify what you want to work on
Meet virtually for a complimentary session to design the duration and type of coaching to restore your life balance
For the past 25 years, the HeartMath® Institute has conducted groundbreaking research on stress and well-being. Some of those principles and techniques are included in this program.